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Biomimetic Microsystem

A biomimetic microsystem is exactly what it sounds like: A biomimetic system developed at a tiny scale. Rather than replicating the functions and/or form of an organic structure at the scale of an organ or limb, a biomimetic microsystem is a lab-on-a-chip device intended to replicate the mechanical and biochemical functions of blood vessels and tissues.

Heart cells, lung cells, bone cells, etcetera. Not the organs and larger structures, but simply the cells themselves. That way chips are developed that function in the same way as these cell types, and can be used to test the effects on a larger organ, of various chemicals and pathogens.

See Also: Biomimetic, Biomaterial Evolution

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Biomaterial Evolution

Biomimetic Microsystem



Resources in our database matching the Term Biomimetic Microsystem:

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CB2, which stands for Child-robot with Biomimetic Body, is a new android-based attempt at developing an artificial intelligence with social skills. The robot is essentially a bald, white baby, and it learns in much the same way - by watching expressions change on its 'mother's' face, and teaching its own neural net to cluster them together.

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Robot Fish Leads Organic Fish
Alife research carried out using a robotic fish and a swarm of biological fish in a water tunnel, has concluded that biomimetic movement is key to social interaction with animals of all types; not just humans. If it swims like a leader of the shoal, it is the leader of the shoal.


Industry News containing the Term Biomimetic Microsystem:

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"Jellyfish are one of the most awesome marine animals, doing a spectacular and psychedelic dance in water," explain engineers Sung-Weon Yeom and Il-Kwon Oh from Chonnam National University in the Republic of Korea. Recently, Yeom and Oh h...

Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) devices have the potential to revolutionize the world of sensors: motion, chemical, temperature, etc. But taking electromechanical devices from the micro scale down to the nano requires finding a means t...

The European Union has earmarked three million Euros for a project called NanoBioTact, due to start early this year. This cross-discipline group from both academic and industrial backgrounds is dedicated to creating a 'biomimetic finger. A...

Cornell University researchers have succeeded in implanting electronic circuit probes into tobacco hornworms as early pupae. The hornworms pass through the chrysalis stage to mature into long-lived moths whose muscles can be controlled with...

NUS Engineering researchers are closer to creating underwater robotic creatures with a brain of their own – besides behaving like the real thing. In the near future, it would not be too tall an order for the team to produce a swarm of auton...